Terms of Use

bestunitedkingdomcasinos.com Terms of Use

Thanks for visiting our terms of use page. Please take the time to give this brief document a read through as all users are required to abide by its terms. If you have any queries just get in touch and we'll do our best to answer your questions as quickly as possible.

The terms of use pertain only to bestunitedkingdomcasinos.com, and not any third party websites. Although these may be linked to we are not responsible for any of the content or software that may be found on third party sites.

Individuals are responsible for themselves and for complying with all relevant laws. This site does not dispense lawful advice and is not responsible for the actions of individuals.

Similarly, any losses/damages incurred are not the responsibility of this site, but of individuals themselves.

Gambling is not something suitable for children. Following this, only adults aged 18 or over may view this site. If you are under that age and visiting the site in error, you must leave at once.

Whilst an effort is made to ensure information is up to date this cannot be guaranteed. If an individual has a particular interest in a given subject they are advised to check for themselves to see what the situation is.